Bible Study Spring 2024

Faith & Money Matters:
Faith & Money Matters is our primary Bible study that dives deep into money management from an authentically Catholic viewpoint. Over the course of six weeks, participants learn how to create a spending plan, how to get out of crushing debt, and how to start saving and investing for long-term financial wellbeing. Most importantly, they learn how financial discipleship can change their lives!

Fe y Finanzas:
Fe y Finanzas es nuestro principal estudio bíblico que profundiza en la administración del dinero desde un punto de vista auténticamente Católico. En el transcurso de seis semanas, los participantes aprenden a crear un plan de gastos, salir de la deuda agobiante, comience a ahorrar e invertir para el bienestar financiero a largo plazo, y desarrollar un plan de generosidad que mejorará sus vidas mientras crecen en la fe.

Set Your House In Order:
If something were to happen to you, the most important gift you can give your family is organized and up to date information. Unfortunately, most of us don’t even know where to start. Set Your House in Order is a five-week Bible study that can be done individually, online, in a small group, or facilitated in a parish. The purpose of Set Your House in Order is to help you create, update and organize all your important information (health care surrogate, power of attorney, password list, advisors, assets, debts, will, insurance, etc.)

God Marriage & Money:
God Marriage & Money is a book specifically designed for couples who are engaged to be married. Most couples spend more time discussing the flavor of their wedding cake than talking about their finances. Yet finances are something they’ll deal with every day of their married lives. This book has everything needed to have an open and honest discussion about finances before the wedding!