Country Directors

Gloria Guevara y Oscar Montoya
Since July 2015, when we met Compass, we gave ourselves to the Lord and Owner of everything and supported by a beautiful team of human beings, with whom we love and serve our Catholic Church, we have been able to create groups in Medellín, Rionegro and 9 towns in eastern Antioquia, as well as in Bogotá, Santa Marta, Montelíbano, Palmira and Cali. by the hand of the Blessed Virgin and the Community of the Daughters and Sons of Fiat, thanks to the invaluable support of its founder, Mother Alicia Echeverri Calle.
We attest to the great blessings that the Lord has brought to our home and we want many homes in the world to know Compass, because it is the lifestyle that God wants for his children, as confirmed by the testimonies of students, facilitators and coordinators of the Church, constituting the engine that drives us to continue in this great ministry and to say to the Lord with the Fiat Community:
"My God, we are nothing, You are everything, we abandon ourselves to You.
​My God, we can't, You can, we abandon ourselves to You.

Melissa Mora y Jorge Solís
They are two Costa Ricans happily married since 2016, live in Guadalupe and belong to the Parish of San Vicente Ferrer de Moravia. They took the Bible study in the Crown version in 2015 and from that moment they saw the great need for the study to reach all of Costa Rica in the Catholic version, they found Compass Catholic on the internet and with the collaboration of the director for Hispanic America, Mrs. Eva Córdova they created Compass Costa Rica in 2016. As of 2019, they managed to sign the ministerial agreement with the National Center for Catechesis in Costa Rica (CENECAT) and INCOTEP and with it the support of its director Pbro. Mario Segura.Jorge is an Industrial Engineer, and specializes in financial coaching, business coaching and entrepreneurship coaching. Melissa works at the University of Costa Rica in the area of microbiology. Both have been serving as Compass Ministry Coordinators in Costa Rica since 2016.

Pamella Paola Reyes
Born in Toluca, she is a consecrated laywoman. He is an industrial and systems engineer by profession, with a specialty in human development and spirituality. She is currently the General Coordinator of Missionaries in the World of Work, A.C., an association from which Compass is promoted at the national level. "I consider the Bible study "Manage Your Money from God's Perspective" to be a gift from God, which every person should give themselves the opportunity to receive, because it leads us directly and effectively to live the salvation that Our Lord Jesus Christ earned for us.

Griselle Hernandez
Griselle has been married for 35 years and is the mother of 3 children.
He participated in the Good Shepherd Parish in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. She was then able to get certified from the Compass course in November 2019, and already had her Personal Finance certification.
She has a degree in Business Administration by profession and is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Caritas of Puerto Rico and the 5A Happy Down Syndrome Foundation inc.
He is also a member of the Archdiocesan Committee of Stewardship (CARCO). And he has 30 years of experience in Business Administration and 8 years in Non-Profit Institutions.
Member of the Business Incubation project in agreement with the Cáritas de PR, Centro Sol Isolina Ferrer and Surcos.

Hector M. Boussón
Héctor has developed his professional life in the field of Finance and Administration. He began his career in 1966, at Chase Manhattan Bank, San Juan, Puerto Rico, climbing the ladder in different customer service positions. He oversaw the management of all Chase Manhattan Bank branches in Puerto Rico. Subsequently, he was Health Plan Administrator and Vice President in charge of the Administration and Management of Human Resources at the Corporation for the Supervision and Insurance of Cooperatives of Puerto Rico.
He currently volunteers with various community service organizations and offers counseling through the firm he chairs, H&B Management and Fraud Consultants. He is accredited by the Association of Fraud Examiners of the United States, holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from the University of Puerto Rico, and is certified to offer workshops by the Puerto Rico Department of the Family.
In his personal life, he is married to Nelida Hernandez and has four adult children and eight (8) grandchildren. Much of his time is dedicated to supporting his parish, where he works as an accountant. He is also a member of Caritas Parroquial and a member of the Council of Social Action of the Archdiocese of San Juan.

Minerva Camilo
Born in the city of La Vega, Dominican Republic, married for 33 years, she has three children and two grandchildren. She is an accountant by profession and a Catholic by inheritance.
He met Compass before he was born as a Ministry, at Saint Edwards Parish, Pembroke Pines, Fl. and there he received the call of the Lord through Eva Cordova in 2006, Special family circumstances impelled him to serve with enthusiasm and passion, discovering that "taking care of His things, He took care of hers."
Returning to the Dominican Republic in 2010, she and Rosa Medrano have been working on training the facilitators who have the task of duplicating the message. Since 2015, Compass has been officially in the Dominican Republic, as a biblical formation course, through the Vicariate of Pastoral Care and was called to serve by Monsignor Lorenzo Vargas.

Martha Bordes y Álvaro Valladares
Álvaro and Martha Valladares Bordes, live in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Married for 16 years with 2 children, Emilio 13 and Diego 10. Architect and Commercial Engineer, today independent professionals.
They serve as lay associates of the Community of Eudist Priests of Jesus and Mary at Our Lady of Unity Parish in Bellavista and as a married couple with the Schoenstatt Family League prepare for the Covenant of Love with Mary.
Compass Católico came into their lives when they were not yet aware of the economic crisis they were about to experience.
Thanks to their family in Miami, during a vacation, they met Eva Cordova, the Director of Compass Latin America, who introduced them to the Ministry and proposed to take it to Ecuador, for them something unthinkable, but God's plans were different and soon they were able to put together a group of 12 participants and with the support of their parish priest they did the first intensive workshop in Guayaquil in June 2017.
Since that date, they have coordinated the Compass Ministry, bringing this message to many people, who, like them, are looking for the best way to free themselves from debt and achieve financial freedom as we learn in the workshops, getting closer and closer to God as a couple and as a family and fulfilling His will in all aspects of their lives.

Carlos and Ermelinda Mendoza de Ferrer
Carlos and Ermelinda, happily married for 40 years, with two wonderful children, Carlos Manuel and Karen Daniela, who live an apostolic life at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Miami and belong to the Compass Family. When they got married, they brought into their lives two more children: Mayra and Ali, their respective spouses. The Lord has blessed you with four precious and intelligent grandchildren: Miranda, Mauricio, Julieta, and Veronica.
40 years ago they did a Cursillo of Christianity and, since then, they have been active in the Cursillo Movement of Christianity (MCC) in Venezuela, which has helped them to grow and persevere in the faith increasing the need to contribute to spreading the Kingdom of God wherever we are.
By participating in the Catholic Compass course "Manage Your Money from God's Perspective," they felt that the Lord was calling them to take it to Venezuela where so much good can be done by this way of making known God's love to men and His divine Providence along with a set of resources to put into practice, in a simple way, everything learned in the aforementioned course, in order to optimize the administration of our finances, in the light of the Word of God.
Dinora Chacón de Acosta
Married for 20 years and a mother of 3 children, she was certified in the Compass course at the Servants of Jesus community who today is a ministry partner of Compass in El Salvador.
She has a degree in Public Accounting, currently serves as an Audit Partner of Bakertilly El Salvador, also works as a consultant in the area of business and personal finance, belongs to the Board of Directors of the Association of Independent Auditors of El Salvador and also to the Board of Directors of the Servants of Jesus Association.
Since she took her course, Compass has participated as a facilitator of the course, so that the message and blessing reaches more brothers and sisters.